Yin Evenings
Upcoming Yin Evenings are planned on:
26th of April 2024, 20:00-22:00 - How and why to integrate mindfulness meditation into your life
10th of May 2024, 20:00-22:00 - How are you doing? An investigation of your current state
24th of May 2024, 20:00-22:00 - Journaling and the loving act of attention for your inner world
14th of June 2024, 20:00-22:00 - Burnout: how to recognize it and important things to know
Yin evenings
* Yin Evenings will take place in English, and therefore, all communication about this event will be in English
Do you want to relax and at the same time boost your personal development? Then Yin Evenings are just for you! On these evenings we start with an hour of yin yoga, to calm down and land in our bodies. Then, we will discuss a self-care related topic. Sometimes, these in-depth sessions are more theory-driven, whereas other times, they are more experiential or interactive, but they are always a combination of these.
Topics that will be discussed in the upcoming classes are:
How and why to integrate mindfulness meditation into your life (April 26)
How are you doing? An investigation of your current state (May 10)
Journaling and the loving act of attention for your inner world (May 24)
Burnout: how to recognize it and important things to know (June 14)